
Dr. Leeland A. Jones is a physician, psychiatrist, minister, and founder of Crossroads Wholeness, a unique, whole-person approach to healing, health, and the wholeness lifestyle. Dr. Jones is a writer, and speaker to various groups on subjects of health, healing, wellness, nutrition, addiction, wholeness, and cure. His passion is for all to be made whole and to fulfill their unique destiny and purpose. He enjoys using these coaching principles to inspire and encourage individuals, families, leaders, and corporations to enjoy excellence and fulfillment.

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There is a yearning deep inside all of us to be great, to be free, to be enjoyed, and to be whole. Though we once dreamed of this glory, most of us were so bombarded with life’s pain and pleasure, that we lost our song. We learned to settle. Becoming Whole is about the joy of rediscovering our true identity, maximizing our gifts, and healing and wholeness transformation occurs as we are aligned to love’s design – Being the Beloved. When the Lion King realizes who he really is, the pauper becomes the prince, and the orphan comes home to Daddy’s embrace and original design of Being the Beloved. This beloved identity empowers our Becoming Whole. Wilt thou be made whole?

Sessions & Webinars

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1:1 Consultations

These short term sessions are best for those seeking the wisdom and tools needed to get unstuck from chronic conditions, by providing Whole-Person tools of Recovery.

Live Group Sessions

Counselors Corner: These live group discussions are on specific topics & cases especially for counselors, therapists, and pastors. Topics include: “Bouncing Back from Burn Out” and “Wholestic-Approaches to Anxiety & Depression”

Courses & Webinars

These courses are for in depth study, application of tools for recovery, and maximizing ones life. Topics include: “Whole-Person Resilience Training”, “Flipping your Brain’s Joy Switch”, and “Maximizing your Motivational Gifts: For Yourself & Clients.”

Book Me For Speaking

Dr. Jones is an engaging speaker who provides inspirational talks tailored for universities, companies, non-profit organizations, and ministries. He offers insightful seminars and keynotes on whole person healing, equipping counselors, and maximizing leaders for success. Please fill out the form below.