Upcoming events.

Join Dr. Jones for Counselor's Corner - exclusive live video events helping therapists, CEOs, pastors and counselors become more effective leaders and problem solvers. In these highly interactive group sessions, Dr. Jones draws on his expertise integrating psychology, business, spirituality and coaching to provide proven techniques you can immediately apply.

Gain valuable insights into leadership principles, organizational behavior, decision making, conflict resolution and more. Walk away with actionable strategies to empower your team, better manage stress, foster innovation, handle workplace challenges and guide others through change. Whether you want to enhance counseling skills, optimize a company culture or simply lead with greater wisdom, these sessions will equip you with practical tools grounded in compassion. Reserve your spot today for an upcoming Counselor's Corner event with Dr. Jones and unlock your leadership potential surrounded by a supportive community of peers. The path to becoming an agent of change starts here.

Weekly Google Meet Sessions, Mondays 8-9PM

  • Topics for this Fall 2023:

  • Bouncing Back from “Burn Out”

  • Wholestic-Approaches” to Anxiety & Depression

  • Nutritional Excellence for Brain Health

Wholestic-Approaches to Anxiety & Depression

Wholestic-Approaches to Anxiety & Depression

Find relief from worry, panic, and low mood through our virtual group workshops. Dr. Jones an Integrative Psychiatrist blends brain science, Inner Healing, nutritional excellence to utilizing one’s own spiritual and motivational gifts to address below the surface barriers to successful living. These sessions will provide you with a holistic toolbox to obtain break-through for yourself and others, in these troubling times. Be empowered, inspired, regain balance and contentment, in a safe space, on your journey toward wholeness. You'll leave this 90-minute virtual workshop with a personalized action plan and renewed hope by turning your stumbling blocks into stepping-stones. Take the first step today by reserving your spot at our next uplifting group session.

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Bouncing Back from “Burn Out”

Bouncing Back from “Burn Out”

Find relief from anxiety and depression through our live online group session taking a “wholestic” approach to wellbeing. Led by Dr. Jones, an integrative psychiatrist and holistic mentor, this workshop will explore proven strategies to lift your mood, reduce worry, and cultivate inner peace. Learn research-backed tools from western medicine and complementary healing modalities to calm both mind and body. Regain balance and contentment as we guide you through mindfulness exercises, lifestyle changes, CBT techniques, spiritual practices, and more. In an intimate virtual setting, connect with others seeking wholeness and mental wellness while benefiting from Dr. Jones’ compassionate wisdom. You’ll leave this 90-minute workshop with a personalized action plan, new community support, and hope for overcoming the challenges of anxiety and depression through self-care of your whole self. The journey begins with a single step - reserve your spot at our next virtual group session today.

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